The #1 quality of effective managers?

Back in 2008, Google began a fascinating piece of research aimed at understanding the factors that contribute to being an effective manager.

Throughout the history of the research, the number one factor has been the same: Being a good coach. In later years, they have also correlated these results with research in the areas of collaboration and teams that produce effective outcomes. Once again, being a good coach is the key factor.

These results initially surprised senior management at Google, who had assumed, like many senior leaders in other major companies, that the key factor was going to be technical expertise. The data (and Google love data!) was unequivocal, the key factor was coaching, connection and accessibility.

What is it that makes being a good coach so important for managers?

The key elements that showed up within “coaching” were: self-awareness and openness. Both of these are key pillars of our program where you start by looking at yourself in “Foundations”. In this part of the program, you explore yourself, supported by an experienced executive coach. Only when you have raised your own self-awareness and experienced being coached, do you then go onto learn about coaching other people. This is one of the key distinctions in the Newfield ontological approach and one that really sets it apart from the majority of the offers out there.

Here is the original article.

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